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This beautiful web page was created in 2020. Now in 2021 I have a new link to share! A Snake game made in rust with macroquad and web assembly. The Controls are WASD. What did I learn while constructing this? Now a second demo is added: A Snow Simulation! Now a TicTacToe Game exists too! Sadly this did not work for a long time after a breaking change occured. I did not make any changes to the wasm files, meaning the origin had to be a breaking change a)in the web-browser, b) in the javascript. I later found out the javascript is always updated to the newest version of macroquad. Thats why you should download the javascript and host it yourself to keep these working in stable condition or use a specific version from miniquad-samples like this. I updated the rust macroquad code to 0.3 (many changes occured since 0.2.*) and now hosting the up to date javascript myself so that breaking changes and more work can be avoided in the future.
Macroquad Wasm App Date of creation Link to source Code
Snow Simulation 10.02.2021 github gist;raw rs source file
TicTacToe 11.02.2021 github raw gits; raw rs source file
Elastic Collision Simulation 09.03.2021 raw rs source file
Rock Paper Cisors Cellular Automata added 04.05.2021 github repo; raw rs file
DDA algorithm added 05.05.2021 raw rs source file
Elementary cellular automata rules added 03.05.2021 raw rs source file
Generate Qr-Codes from text added 17.06.2021 raw rs source file
Minecraft like tile based lighting system but in 2D (right click to place torches, left click to place light blocking blocks. added 06.08.2021 raw rs source file
Play the Chaos Game (apply multiple coordinate transformations with certain propabilities to get unique shapes) added 11.01.2022 raw rs source.
Boid Experiments 08.04.2022 raw rs source file

Exploring 2D level generation with Evcxr Jupyter notebooks. The used algorithms only use integers in their calculations (u32, u64, i64), making them deterministic, as opposed to undeterministic if floats (f64, f32) where used. Deterministic behavior would be important in a multiplayer scenario, where the client and server can repeat the same calculations and simulations to verify each others results more quickly and without sending too much data between each other (the hashes of the results would be enough). The only thing to worry about when using integers are overflowing airthmetic operations(bitschifting <<, addition +, multiplication *, substraction (with unsigned integers worrysome) -)wich will result in panics. Introducing "smooth looking" behavior with whole number/integer divisions only is another problem.


Title Approximate Date of Creation Short Content descriptor
5 cool html tags August 2021 There are many cool HTML tags, that allow for cool functionality.
Integer circle algorithm September 2021 I never thought the parametrization of this algorithm could be used to generate cool fractal images.
100 programming Questions/Tasks and example Answers. 23. September 2021 I just started it to practice my java skills, in the future I plan to add Python solutions.
Finding Prime + RSA 2022 I had a simple application example task: given the public key (n, e) = (7387, 1357) decrypt the intercepted message: (2133, 429, 1126). The letters of the original message where converted to numbers using the following sheme: (A, 11), (B, 12), (C, 13), ..., (Y, 35), (Z, 36) > Jupyter Lite Notebook (link only works on localhost....)
macroquad funny animations 29.01.2022 exploring inverse cinematics. Raw Source code file:
React Matrix Math Inversion GUI 20.22.2023 Experimenting with a library called React Datasheet grids and mathjs. source